Thursday, November 27, 2014

STC Kohila!! :)

STC  means Serve The City

Serve the City is a global movement of volunteers 
showing kindness in practical ways to people in need.

Serve the City creates events that mobilize many volunteers to serve in simple ways – sports, music,
 arts and crafts, meals, friendship and more.
 We are the connection between the good intentions and talents 
of people who could volunteer and a meaningful opportunity to get involved.

Serve the City began in Brussels as a single week of serving in 2005, initiated by a Christian faith community called The Well. An annual event turned into monthly volunteering events and weekly neighbourhoood-based serving opportunities throughout the city. Friends from other cities visited Brussels or heard about Serve the City and took the idea to their cities. Now Serve the City is active or starting in 100 cities around the world.

To explain this more: A movement of volunteers serving cities in practical ways & inspiring people to be givers in this world. We believe that many people doing small things together can make a big difference in our world.” 


Do you find a word " I SERVE"? 

"We know them by their needs. What if we knew them by name? "

We had 3 projects in Kohila this month: 

Hageri hooldekodu (nursing home)  
KatiKodu (people in special needs)
and KalliRalli (group of people goes to the city and gives as much hugs to the different people as they can) 

I served in Hageri nursing home where I sang to the elderlys and made some pictures too....

Those photos are taken in KANK (Kohila Avatud Noortekeskus- in eng. Open Youth Center) where we usually get together, we eat and chat and then we go to projects and later share our stories what we experienced.  

Artistide Foorum vol 2

Hi! This is second collection of "Artists Forum"(or talent show) what we have every month (but not in december)... Those pics are taken this month :) I used a different image processing- Film Grain and more B&W. Thats why those pics are a bit different than usual :)

Liis & Sander & Eliise :)

Hello! One day I saw Liis again :) I really love her daughter, she´s soo beautiful and cute!! :) I managed to make some family pictures!